SEA JAPAN 2024German Exhibitors MMG - Mecklenburger Metallguss GmbH

MMG - Mecklenburger Metallguss GmbH

Booth number: 2G-11

About us

We as Mecklenburger Metallguss GmbH (MMG) stand in a long tradition of propeller manufacturing at today's company location Waren (Müritz) with more than 75 years of experiences.

We have also been retrofitting propellers for more than 10 years now. Our retrofit propellers offer additional potential for reducing fuel costs and CO2 emissions. More than 500 existing retrofit propellers have already saved more than 14 million tons of CO2 emissions today. By replacing the old ship's propeller with a high efficent retrofit propeller adapted to the new operating profile, efficiency is significantly increased. Fuel savings of up to 14% are possible in conjunction with the MMG Escap.

Our high efficiency propellers offer beyond their quality a reduction of CO2 emissions.

Ship owners can increase the efficiency of their vessels propulsion system.

MMG create individual design studies based on your operational profile.

MMG meets the highest demands in machining propellers and special castings.

We deliver the best and efficient quality from a single source.


MMG - Mecklenburger Metallguss GmbH
Teterower Straße 1
17192 Waren (Müritz)

Phone:  +49 3991 736142

Contact person:

Georg Meidow
Project Manager
Phone: +49 3991 736189

Products & Services

Ships (including Repairs and Refits)
Ship Operation Equipment
  • Redesign / Retrofit 
  • Propeller
  • Propeller design 
  • Propeller repairs 
  • Propeller Boss Cap
  • Centrifugal Casting 
  • Jobbing Foundry & special casting


Numerous ship owners already operate their fleet with “slow steaming”, e.g. due to rising fuel prices. The EEXI regulations now require further increases in efficiency. MMG Retrofit Propeller offer additional saving potential by optimizing your operating vessels in terms of propeller performance, efficiency and fuel consumption by replacing the ships propeller.

Advantages of the MMG Redesign:
- ROI after 6 months, Service for entire product life cycle, EEXI & CII compliance measure

Our high efficiency propellers offer beyond their quality a reduction of CO2 emissions.

MMG Espro – energy saving propeller

For above-average efficiency at slow or fast speeds, with full or reduced loads, each MMG-Espro (Energy Saving Propeller) is individually designed to your operational profile. Load, draught, drift angle, speed, current, wind and swell on the planned route play a decisive role in the design concept.

Your advantages by using an Espro:
- Fuel savings of up to 10%
- Perfect matching to the individual operating profile
- Highest manufacturing precision
- Economical ship operation

MMG Escap

Fast installation. Worldwide service.
Whether as a retrofit for an existing propeller, in combination with a redesign or for the propeller on a new built ship – MMG organizes and supervises the assembly of the Escap quickly and worldwide.

Your advantages with an MMG Escap propeller cap:
- Fuel saving of up to 3%
- ROI after 3 months
- Reduced torque losses
- Reduced cavitation on rudder and hull
- Simple and fast installation

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